PUCUK : Jurnal Ilmu Tanaman
PUCUK: Jurnal Ilmu Tanaman (Pucuk Journal) is a journal managed by Agriculture Faculty and published by the Universitas Ratu Samban, E-ISSN : 2809-1035 P-ISSN : 2809784X Pucuk Journal provides a forum for researchers on applied agricultural science to publish the original articles. The Jurnal PUCUK publishes research articles on advanced agronomy which its focuses related to various themes, topics and aspects including (but not limited) to the following topics: Agriculture, plant journal, biochemistry, botany, cell biology, plant genetics, molecular biology, molecular genetics, physiology, phytopathology, plant pathology, plants
PAKDEMAS : Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat
PAKDEMAS : Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat with EISSN 2809-7602 and PISSN 2809-6614. is a journal of community service published by the Faculty of Agriculture, Ratu Samban University containing the results of community service and empowerment activities in the form of application of various fields of science including agriculture, health, education, engineering, social humanities, economics and computers. PAKDEMAS: Journal of Community Service is published 3 times a year in the month (April, August and December).
PAKDEMAS: Journal of Community Service published by the Faculty of Agriculture, Ratu Samban University is a peer-reviewed journal that contains scientific articles from various disciplines adopted in various community service activities and other applied research results. Articles published in PAKDEMAS include the results of the application of original scientific research, new scientific review articles, or comments or criticisms on existing articles published in PAKDEMAS or in other scientific periodicals. PAKDEMAS accepts manuscripts or article manuscripts in the service of the results of the application of research and the downstreaming of community-based quantitative and qualitative scientific research results into a community service format covering relevant scientific fields including:
1. Agriculture
2. Health
3. Engineering
4. Social Humanities
5. Education
6. Science
7. Sports
8. Language
9. Business and Economics
10. Engineering and Vocational
11. Arts -
Jurnal Saintifik (Multi Science Journal)
Jurnal Saintifik (Multi Science Journal) adalah adalah jurnal multidisiplin yang diterbitkan oleh Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Ratu Samban dengan P-ISSN 1693-668X dan E-ISSN 2829-3975. Jurnal Saintifik (JS) terbit 4 bulanan (Januari, Mei dan September) merupakan jurnal peer review, open access, ilmiah dan ilmiah yang menerbitkan makalah penelitian, makalah review, laporan kasus, studi kasus, resensi buku, skripsi, tesis, karya disertasi, dll.
Jurnal Saintifik (JS) ini didedikasikan untuk menggali dan menyebarluaskan hasil dari berbagai pemikiran kreatif dan inovatif yang berdasarkan pada proses penelitian dan pemikiran yang ilmiah. Jurnal Saintifik (JS) ini berfokus pada:
Biologi: Botani, Biosains, Mikrobiologi, Bioteknologi, Biologi Klinis, Biologi Molekuler, Biokimia, Pertanian, Kimia, Lingkungan dan Ekologi, Ilmu Pangan, Nutrisi, Ilmu Tumbuhan, Entomologi, Zoologi, Perikanan, Ilmu Tanaman, Fitopatologi.
Humaniora: Seni, Sejarah, Bahasa, Sastra, Musik, Filsafat, Agama, Teater, dll.
Ilmu Sosial: Geografi, Sosiologi, Pendidikan, Ilmu Politik, Adminitrasi negara, Hukum, Kebijakan, Tinjauan Sosial, Seni, Sejarah, Filsafat, Antropologi, ilmu komunikasi dan Psikologi
Manajemen: Perdagangan, Ekonomi, Keuangan, Akuntansi, Tata Kelola Perusahaan, Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia, Manajemen Pemasaran, Pelatihan dan Pengembangan Manajemen Mutu, Bisnis, dan Adminitrasi Bisnis.
Ilmu Kedokteran: Kedokteran, Kesehatan, Keperawatan, Penelitian Klinis, Farmasi, Herbal, Farmakognosi, Farmakologi, Fitokimia, Kebidanan, Rekam Medik, Sistem informasi Kesehatan, Kesehatan masyarakat.
Agama dan Kepercayaan: Pendidikan agama, Semua agama dan kepercayaan yang diakui di Indonesia
Pendidikan Jasmani: Olahraga, Yoga, Fisioterapi, Fisiologi, Latihan, Kesehatan, Kesehatan Jasmani, Pendidikan keolahragaan dan Jasmani.
Teknik: Teknologi Informasi, Aplikasi Komputer, Teknik Sipil, Teknik Mesin, Teknik Kimia, Teknik Elektro, Fisika, Teknik Arsitektur, Teknik Industri, Teknik Digital, dan Teknik Pertanian.
Pendidikan : Pendidikan Umum, Pendidikan Tinggi, Manajemen Pendidikan, Pendidikan non formal, Pendidikan Formal, Pendidikan luar sekolah, Pendidikan luar biasa dan Teknologi pendidikan.
Pertanian : Perlindungan tanaman, budidaya pertanian, agronomi, pemuliaan tanaman, Agribisnis, sosial ekonomi, kehutanan, hortikultura, budidaya perairan, ilmu kelautan, ilmu pengelolaan sumberdaya alam dan lingkungan
JURNAL EKONOMI AKUNTANSI MANAJEMEN AGRIBISNIS is a peer-reviewed journal, EISSN 2988-3466. JUREKMA invites academics and researchers who do original research in the fields of economics, management, and accounting, including but not limited to:
Monetary Economics, Finance, and Banking
International Economics
Public Economics
Economic development
Regional Economy
Financial management
Human Resource Management
International Business
Marketing Management
Strategic Management
Organizational behavior
Operation management
Change Management
Sharia Management
Knowledge Management
Electronic Business
Capital market
Accounting Sciences
Taxation and Public Sector Accounting
Accounting information system
Financial Accounting
Management accounting
Behavioral accounting
Finance and Digital Business Science
Accounting and Financial Reporting
Alternative Investments
Asset Pricing
Behavioral Finance
Corporate Finance
Corporate Governance and Ethics
Derivative Pricing and Hedging
Empirical Finance
Financial Accounting
Financial Applications of Decision Theory or Game Theory
Financial Applications of Simulation or Numerical Methods; Financial Economics
Financial Engineering
Financial Forecasting
Financial Risk Management and Analysis
Financial Technology; International Finance
Portfolio Optimization and Trading
Real Estate Finance
Regulation of Financial Markets and Institutions
Rural Finance
Stochastic Models for Asset and Instrument Prices
Systemic Risk
Digital Business Managemen
Digital Business Technology
Financial Technology
Digital Marketing
Digital Business & E-Commerce
Digital Economics
Cloud Computing
Digital Business Analysis
Design Content Creation
Statistics Computing
UI/UX Design
Digital Branding
Customer Relationship Management for Digital Business
Digital Business Strategic
Business Ethics for Digital Business
Services Marketing
Digital Business Valuation
Digital Analytics for Marketing
Digital Project Management
Content Management
Big Data & Business Intelligence
Knowledge Management and Innovation
Cyber Security for Digital Business
The scope of the articles in this journal focuses on the study of agribusiness from a macroeconomic approach covering social and economic aspects of agriculture which is a system of comprehensive and integrated from studies up-stream, on-farm, down-stream and supporting subsystems, and the impact of their interrelationships with policy governments, international economy and capitalization of land resource, farmers, and communities. The microeconomic approach includes the study of business development in the field of agribusiness (financial, business policy, and functional technical aspects). JUREKMA publishes articles in related to the agribusiness system or it's agribusiness sub-system which consists of research related to input, farming, processing, marketing and supporting system of agricultural products.
Jurnal Agricultural Science
Journal of Agricultural Science published by the Faculty of Agriculture, Ratu Samban University. 3031-7398, This journal is published in one volume two editions per year (Mey and November) by the IAARD. This journal publishes major research articles with the latest research topics from around the world, not simultaneously submitted or previously published in other scientific or technical journals. General review articles will not be accepted. This journal maintains strict standard content, presentations and reviews. The journal's official languages are Indonesian and English. The journal considers papers from any source if they make an original contribution to experimental or theoretical understanding and the application of theory and methodology to several aspects of agricultural science. The understanding of agricultural science is kept as widely as possible so that it can be covered widely in journals including socio-economic aspects. The focus of the journal is in the following areas: Agronomy, zoology, soil science, climate and environment as it relates to aspects of agriculture. Agronomy includes plant breeding, physiology, production, biotechnology, crop protection (pests, diseases, and weed control) and post-harvest. Zoology includes breeding, nutrition, hunting, and disease. Soil Science includes aspects of mineralogy, classification, land evaluation, chemistry, fertility, fertilization, conservation, and biology.
MUARA : Jurnal Perikanan dan Kelautan
MUARA : Jurnal Perikanan dan Kelautan was published by the Faculty of Agricultural Universitas Ratu Samban. MUARA accepts manuscript in the form of original research, and review in all area of fisheries sciences, included but not limited to Aquaculture, fish diseases, fiheries biology, fisheries socioeconomic, fisheries technology, management of aquatic resources, fisheries product technology, utilization and management of fishery and marine science.
This Journal with P-ISSN : XXXXXXX, E-ISSN : XXXXXXXX, has been registered in the Crossref system with Digital Object Identifier (DOI) prefix XXXXXXX. MUARA has been also indexed in Science and Technologi Index (SINTA), Portal Garuda, Onesearch, WorldCat, Base, neliti, and Google Scholar.
Tempuyung : Jurnal Tanaman Obat Indonesia
Tempuyung : Jurnal Tanaman Obat Indonesia